Coral Reef Exploration

Located in the heart of the Coral Triangle, the Alor Archipelago has one of the most well preserved coral reef systems in Indonesia. Dynamite and cyanide fishermen from other islands were long ago warded off by the local people who saw the value in preserving their home reefs. Cold water upwellings from the southern seas push through the Strait after each new and full moon keeping our water temperature regulated and fresh. This has left us with some of the most colorful, beautiful, diverse and densely covered coral reef sites that we see today.
Due to seasonal weather conditions, the best time to visit Alor’s coral reefs is March through December for both ideal surface and underwater conditions. In season, underwater visibility can be absolutely outstanding ranging from 15 meters / 50 feet in our shoulder season to 40 meters / 132 feet in the height of our dry season. When the sun is shining (and that is often) the colors and clarity of the water can look dramatically beautiful to you as an observer and some great opportunities for wide angle if you are a photographer or videographer.

Coral Reef Highlights- Discover Alor's Unique Marine Ecosystem -

Explore The Coral Reefs of Alor- A unique mix of marine habitats -

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