Diving & Snorkeling

Snorkeling & scuba diving in Alor will give you the chance to explore multiple types of underwater environments in one location and without crowds. Alor’s Pantar Strait, formed by the name giving island of Pantar and Alor itself, offers a wide range of coral walls and slopes, fields of anemones and volcanic cliffs and caves. Pair this with schools of colourful wish and you will feel like you are in a tropical aquarium! Inside the Kalabahi Bay on the other hand you’ll be able to experience a different underwater environment entirely. A variety of black and white sandy slopes and loads of rocks and rubble, make for what is known as muck diving and snorkeling. This may be unusual at first, but will soon have you discover truly marvellous creatures such as the wunderpus octopus, weird looking frogfish and masters of camouflage such as the elusive rhinopias scorpionfish.
Our local snorkel & dive guides and photo-pro will lead you on underwater tours to get the most out of your visit and personal marine life interests. Boat rides to our diving & snorkeling locations can be equally exciting with the chance to encounter multiple species of dolphins, whales or snorkel with a mola-mola. Bottle nose and spinner dolphins are spotted often and at times joined by large pods of melon-headed whales. Blue whales can be spotted randomly at any time, with their numbers and frequency increasing during seasonal migrations. With the correct timing in the moon cycle and a bit of luck, our boat crew will take you between or after your dives or snorkel sessions, to have a look for mola-mola who have been brought to the surface in a cool water upwelling.

Our Diving & Snorkeling Service- Full service underwater exploration -

Alor Dive & Snorkeling Sites- Explore our many varied locations -

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